Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Technophilia ties up with IIT Guwahati - Techniche 2009, for conducting Robotics workshops.

Techniche '09

To illuminate the darkest corners of your minds,
To open tiny windows to complexities of technology,
To give wings to your nascent dreams.....

We , the students of IIT Guwahati, proudly bring to you the eleventh edition of Techniche, our annual techno-management bonanza.

Techniche provides you a platform to interact with the best minds of the world, pits you against the fiercest of competitors, and displays to the youth the marvels of modern technology. Come, showcase your managerial abilities or listen dumbstruck as the best speakers of the nation debate it out. From intelligent robots to high soaring gliders, from coding to hacking, from innovations to carefully designed B-Plans, from lectures by nobel laureates to online games ..... we have a wide plethora of events to cater to every need of yours, to appeal to each of your senses.
And we are not done yet. Be a part of the social movement for conserving nature as Techniche leans towards a green future. Help us reach out to the underprivileged through our module ‘We Care’. Become a part of the global efforts to usher in change.
So fasten your seatbelts for these three days of electrifying atmosphere, unplugged ideas and moreover an escalator to reach new heights of technical accomplishments.

Discover the genius within you. Discover humanity.

Micromouse workshop by Technophilia at Hyderabad

Mission Micromouse workshop at Hyderabad from 9th to 12th July,2009

Mission Micromouse

Having conducted the basic and the advanced workshops for about 9000 students across the nation, we sense the need to push the bar even higher and guide passionate students to the next level.

Mission Micromouse is a workshop which not only gives you an insight to the process of building a successful Micromouse but assures the development of a completely . The Micromouse challenge has seen just two winners in a span of four years. The workshop is a unique mixture of theory and implementation, designed so as to expose the students to all the basics of building of a fully autonomous intelligent robot, via the platform of Micromouse.


This would be a 4-day Exhaustive workshop and the schedule for all the days is as given:

Day 1

Introduction to Micromouse

Micromouse technical details, various approaches

Actuators in micromouse

Hands on: Introduction to kit

Starting off with micro controller ATMega16

Driving stepper motors

Day 2

Use of Timers and interrupts in ATMega16

Using the ADC in ATMega 16


Use of Sidewall sensors in micro mouse

Minimization of ambient light effect by modulation and demodulation

Calibration of sensors

Making the mouse move straight

Making straight runs in the maze

Moving between predetermined cells

Day 3

Making a left wall follower

Discussion on different maze solving algorithms

Detailed implementation oriented discussion of the FLOOD FILL algorithm

Hands on session of running a micromouse in the maze

Hands on session by running the Micromouse in the maze and navigation between two pre decided cells of maze.

Day 4

Hands On session full day

Practical implementation of a maze solving algorithm

Running a complete Micromouse capable to reach the centre of any unknown maze

Details of the Micromouse kit on which the teams would be working

AVR Tech Board

Micromouse Side Wall Sensor with ambient light Filter

AVR USB programmer and communication tool

Compact Laser cut Metal Chasis

2 stepper motors

AAA size Ni MH Battery

Battery Charger

2 Nos. of caster wheel for balancing

Misc. Mechanical item for building the platform


Experience in C programming language is a must.

Basic knowledge about microcontroller programming would be appreciable.

Material Provided:

Handouts and training material

Information CD

Certificate of excellence to all participants


Technophilia Training Center:
G-7, First floor,
Madhura Nagar,
Near Yousufguda Basti bus stop,
Hyderabad – 500038,
Andhra Pradesh.
Tel: 040-42006294,
Mob: 09293148072.


The Micromouse Training Kit will be given for 4 days only, in groups of 3 students

**The Micromouse kit can be purchased at a discounted price after the workshop